
Overall Campus map and Facilities


Facilities and Amenities

Facilities and Amenities




Building A, Global Center, 2F

(Each semester has different operating hours, sostudents are advised to check the BUFS website.)

Building D, Trinity Hall, 1F

Building H, Library, 1F

Convenient store

Building I, Business Tech Center, 1F

Building D, Trinity Hall, 1F

Building C, Dormitory, B1F

Dormitory cafeteria

Building C, Dormitory, B1F


Student cafeteria

Building E, Memorial Square, B1F

Service hours: 10:30 - 18:00
(Each semester has different operating hours, so students are advised to check the BUFS website.)

Beauty shop (nail art, cosmetics)

Global Center, Room A129


Photo studio

Global Center, Room A128


Stationery shop

Global Center, Room A131


Optical store

Global Center, Room A127



Global Center, Room A119


Copy store (print, fax)

GGlobal Center, Room A130


Post office

Global Center, Room A118



Global Center, Room A121


Libraries and Learning Facilities


BUFS’s Central Libraries (중앙도서관)

The central library of BUFS provides a variety of resources, including traditional print materials as well as electronic journals, web databases, e-books, and e-learning platforms, aiming to enhance students' learning environment. BUFS students can access the library by using their mobile student card app with a QR code.

Service Hours

① Library Book access (1F~4F): (Mon~Fri) 09:00~21:00/(Sat) 09:00~13:00 (Closed on
Sunday and holidays)
② Reading Room (1F): (Mon~Sun) 07:00 ~ 24:00 (Not closed on holidays)

※ Students are advised to check the different library service hours on the homepage
during semesters and vacations.


- Students with mobile student ID cards can have access to the library and borrow books.
- A total of 10 books can be borrowed per student for 14 days.


◆ library.bufs.ac.kr (ID: Student No. / PW: Birth year and date)

◆ How to reserve a study room


◆ How to use the Multimedia Zone (PC, DVD Player, VCR, Scanner, and Printer)


Transportation / Shuttle Bus

-students of our university can use the commuting bus (Gumjeong 3 Village Bus) free of charge during regular weekdays in the academic semester. 

  (Fees apply during Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and winter/summer breaks).

-When boarding, please present your mobile student ID (or staff ID) to the bus driver for access.


Bus stop info.


◆ Service Hours: Please refer to the BUFS website.
(https://bufs.ac.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=camp_guide&sca=%ED%86%B5%ED%95%99%EB%B2%84%EC%8A%A4%EC%95% 88%EB%82%B4)

◆ Bus stop at BUFS: Right in front of Building J, Grace Chapel

Health Service Boaz Medical Clinic Center


Boaz Medical Clinic Center is a certified medical facility offering internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics, urology,
dermatology consultations, and preventive vaccinations 
for domestic and international students, as well as faculty members


-Operating Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (09:30 to 17:00)

(*Except for lunchtime 12:00 to 13:00)

-Prescriptions for medication, excluding medical treatment, must be obtained by visiting

a pharmacy in Namsan-dong separately.

Bank account (BUSAN Bank in BUFS)


 Global Center A121 (+82-51-512-0301)

 Service Hours

 09:30 ~ 15:30 (Mon~Fri)

 How to open a

bank account

 Visit BUSAN Bank → Fill out a form



 ARC, Certificate of enrollment

※ A student can open a bank account with a passport before his/her ARC is issued. But,

he/she will be requried to re-open the account again after the ARC is issued for a fee

of KRW6,000.


 Students can open the account at the beginning of the semester only after applying

for a reservation to visit.

※ You are advised to visit the bank under the guidance of the Office of International

Affairs after making a reservation.

Extracurricular Activities
Student Club/Society 

Students can enjoy various activities in the students’ club with friends and colleagues who have similar hobbies and interests. 

- Application Period: every spring semester

- Number: 32 clubs (As of the fall semester in 2022)



  Leisure Sports



  Special Activities

 Academy and Culture








- Number: 32 clubs (As of the fall semester in 2022) 

Council for International Students (International Exchange Supporters)

(Office: Gymnasium/B130)

The International Students Association is a student organization established for the rights and interests of the campus life of

BUFS international students. and they can have an access to notices and receive support through the council.

 Facebook address


 NAVER blog address









Campus Safety

"Crime Prevention Guide for Foreigners," in 14 different languages by the National Police Agency, offers you a

way to report crimes and information about any crimes you have witnesses or are being committed.

 QR code

 14 languages in use


① Korean ② English ③ Japanese ④ Chinese ⑤ Indonesian

⑥ Uzbek ⑦ Tagalog ⑧ Russian ⑨ Mongolian

⑩ Vietnamese ⑪ Arabic ⑫ Nepalese ⑬ Khmer ⑭ Thai

Emergency Call




 Fire, Search, Rescue

※ The exact location of the crime and details are needed When reporting to 112, it is crucial to explain the exact location and current situation. However, if this is a challenge, you can do it using the "112 Emergency Reporting App."

Integrated complaint counseling 110 




 Fire, Search, Rescue


Missing and criminal



 Narcotic crimes




 Gender Violence


 Smuggling and tariffs


 Cyber terrorism

Integrated Information Center for Foreigners: ARS 1345 + Country code + * (09:00 ~22:00)

Immigrants can use the center to consult with complaints and get living information essential to staying in

Korea and information related to immigration and residence status in 20 different languages.

 ARS 1345 + Country code + *






 Pakistani language






 Mongolian language








 Indonesian language










 Cambodian language






 Bangladeshi language


 Myanmar language


Sri Lankan


Sex Crime

1. It is a crime that violates the victim's right to make sexual self-decisions, including all kinds of acts including physical, verbal, and psychological violence without the victim's consent.

2. Any acts that happen against the victim's intention, including rape between same-sex and opposite-sex, forced harassment, verbal harassment, obscene phone calls, indecent exposure, child molestation, and the production and sales of pornography. 

※ Any act against the other party's intention is considered a crime, even if it comes without an assault.

3. Digital sex crime

◆ A crime that bullies victims or threatens to distribute illegal video clips, sexual materials, and pornography

filmed by digital devices, including cameras on information networks through the Internet and smartphones.

◆ Anyone involving illegal filming crimes is subject to punishment, including not only photographers and

distributors but also those assisting and cooperating in distributing commercial films or consuming (downloading) revenge porn.

◆ In case of experiencing sexual crime,

 Report to Women Emergency Call (1366) or

Digital Sex Crime Victim Support Center


 Consultation and

support for removal

of video clips

 Go together with

4. How to counsel and report sexual crimes

◆ Either call or text 117, the Police support center for victims of sex crimes, and visit its website (www.safe182.go.kr)

Evidence of a sex crime is crucial.

- Call 112 and preserve the crime scene

- Examine your body within 72 hours of sexual violence before washing.

- Do not throw away underwear with body fluids and body hair.

- Take a picture of any scar or other physical harms.


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