Graduation requirements

Students can review their graduation requirements based on the Standard Curriculum Guide for International Students (by entrance year). Additionally, through the NOMAD SYS, students can access their individual academic transcripts. By reviewing these transcripts each semester, students can track the courses they have previously taken and the credits required for graduation.


1Student ID No. starting with 2024

1. Liberal Arts
(30 Credits)
  • Humanities Education : 9 Credits
    -Chapel, First-Year PSC Seminar, Global Citizen, Transformational Leadership and Entrepreneurship,
      Community Service
  • Fundamental Liberal Arts : 6 Credits
    -Writing, Reading and Discussion, AI and IT Utilization
  • Humanities Education(Sports/Music/Arts) and Integrated Liberal Arts : 15 Credits
    -Humanities Education(Sports/Music/Arts), Integrated Liberal Arts(History/Philosophy/Religion,
      Literature/Culture/Arts, Politics/Economy/Society, Science/Technology/Environment)
2. Courses of
  • 1st Major : 30-42 Credits(※ See the appendix below for the number of 1st Major credits for each major)
  • 2nd Major : Multiple 2nd Majors are allowed (recommended, no obligation to complete)
    [Option 1] Double Major : 30 Credits
    [Option 2] Interdisciplinary Major : 30 Credits
    [Option 3] Micro Major : 9 Credits
3. Global
Skills Courses
(6 Credits)
∘ Complete 6 credits College English or Korean Language Practice for International Students (1st Year).
★ Graduation
∘ Graduation requirements 1) and 2) below must be fulfilled
  • Graduation Credits : Complete a total of 120 credits or more, including the minimum number of credits corresponding to 1-3 above.
  • Graduation Certification Requirements
    - TOPIK level 4 or above (level 3 or above in the Arts and Sports Departments) or TOEFL 530/ IELTS 5.5 / TEPS 5.5
    IELTS 5.5 / TEPS 600 or above
    - If you do not have a certified language score, you must obtain BUFS TOPIK level 4 or higher or complete a Korean language course (Korean Language Institute level 4, Sejong Language Institute
    level 8, Social Integration Program level 4). Social Integration Program Level 4) can be substituted

2 Student ID No. starting with 2023

1. Changes to Graduation Requirements and Course Completion Methods
Changes inGraduation Requirements and Course Completion Methods

1) Elimination of the Entrepreneurship requirement
2) Elimination of the requirement to complete multiple majors (major, minor, and micro-major)
3) Completion of credits for each area of Humanities Education (excluding sports/music/art) → Completion of 4 credits regardless of area
4) Completion of credits in each area of General Liberal Arts → Completion of 8 credits regardless of area
5) Complete credits in each area of Humanities Education (Sports/Music/Arts) and Integrated Liberal Arts → Complete 18 credits regardless of area
6) Change of Major Credit Hours
  - If you are completing a single major, your primary major must consist of 54 credits,
   regardless of whether you are in the Humanities or Engineering/Fine Arts.
7) Elimination of Workplace Learning 2 credit course requirement

2. Graduation Requirements
A. Liberal Arts and Global Communication Skills Credits
Liberal Arts(A)Global Communic ation Skill s(B)
Humanities EducationGeneral Liberal ArtsCharacter DevelopmentIntegrated Liberal ArtsTotal
International Student Learning StrategiesThe World & ICommunity ServiceKorean Language BasicsMajor ExplorationSports/Music/ArtsKorean Language Advanced LearningUnderstanding Korean CultureHangul IT UtilizationForeign Language Exploration

B. Major Credits

Major (C): Complete by choosing one of the three completion methods below
Completion Method 1
(Primary Major + Double Major)
Completion Method 2
(Primary Major + Minor)
Completion Method 3 (Primary Major)
Primary MajorDouble MajorPrimary MajorMinorPrimary Majo

※ Multiple Major Credit Requirements: Same number of credits for Joint and Interdisciplinary Majors as for Double
   Majors / Micro Majors can be earned with 9 or more credits (optional).

C. Graduation Credits and Graduation Requirements : Must meet all requirements 1), 2), and 3) below

- Graduation Credits: Completion of 120 credits or more, including credits for Liberal Arts(A), Global Communication Skills(B) and Major(C).

- Major Graduation Examination: Primary Major Graduation Examination: Students must pass the major graduation examination and, if completing 

  a double major, the graduation examination of the double major (* Minors and micro majors do not have a major graduation examination)

Graduation Certification Requirements
- TOPIK level 4 or higher (for the Arts and Sports Department, level 3 or higher). Or a recognized English
  Language Test, TOEFL 530 / IELTS 5.5 / TEPS 600 or higher.
- If you do not have a certified language score, you can substitute BUFS TOPIK level 4 or higher or completion of Korean language education course
  (Korean Language Institute level 4, Sejong Language Institute level 8, Social Integration Program level 4).

3 Student ID No. starting with 2022

1. Changes to Graduation Requirements and Course Completion Methods
Changes inGraduation Requirements and Course Completion Methods

1) Elimination of the Entrepreneurship requirement
2) Elimination of the requirement to complete multiple majors (major, minor, and micro-major)
3) Completion of credits for each area of Humanities Education (excluding sports/music/art) → Completion of 4 credits regardless of area
4) Completion of credits in each area of General Liberal Arts → Completion of 8 credits regardless of area
5) Complete credits in each area of Humanities Education (Sports/Music/Arts) and Integrated Liberal Arts → Complete 18 credits regardless of area
6) Change of Major Credit Hours
  - If you are completing a single major, your primary major must consist of 54 credits,
   regardless of whether you are in the Humanities or Engineering/Fine Arts.
7) Elimination of Workplace Learning 2 credit course requirement

2. Graduation Requirements
A. Liberal Arts Credits
Liberal Arts(A)
Humanities EducationGeneral Liberal ArtsCharacter DevelopmentIntegrated Liberal ArtsTotal
International Student Learning StrategiesThe World & ICommunity ServiceCollege Korean LanguageMajor ExplorationSports/Music/ArtsKorean Language Advanced LearningUnderstanding Korean CultureHangul IT UtilizationForeign Language Exploration

B. Major Credits

Major (C): Complete by choosing one of the three completion methods below
Completion Method 1
(Primary Major + Double Major)
Completion Method 2
(Primary Major + Minor)
Completion Method 3 (Primary Major)
Primary MajorDouble MajorPrimary MajorMinorPrimary Majo

※ Multiple Major Credit Requirements: Same number of credits for Joint and Interdisciplinary Majors as for Double Majors / Micro Majors can be earned with 9 

   or more credits (optional).

C. Graduation Credits and Graduation Requirements : Must meet all requirements 1), 2), and 3) below

- Graduation Credits: Earn at least 130 credits, including Liberal Arts(A), Major(B) Credits.

- Major Graduation Examination: Primary Major Graduation Examination: Students must pass the major graduation examination and, if completing a double major, 

  the graduation examination of the double major (* Minors and micro majors do not have a major graduation examination).

Graduation Certification Requirements
  - If you do not have a certified language score, you can substitute BUFS TOPIK level 4 or higher or completion of Korean language education course 

    (Korean Language Institute level 4, Sejong Language Institute level 8, Social Integration Program level 4).

4 Student ID No. starting with 2021

1. Changes to Graduation Requirements and Course Completion Methods
Graduation Requirements and Course Completion Methods Changes

1) Elimination of the Entrepreneurship requirement
2) Elimination of the requirement to complete multiple majors (major, minor, and micro-major)
3) Completion of credits for each area of Humanities Education (excluding sports/music/art) → Completion of 5 credits regardless of area
4) Completion of credits in each area of General Liberal Arts → Completion of 14 credits regardless of area
5) Complete credits in each area of Humanities Education (Sports/Music/Arts) and Integrated Liberal
  Arts → Complete 18 credits regardless of area
6) Change of Major Credit Hours
  - If you are completing a single major, requirements for the primary major changed from 66 credits to 54 credits.
7) Elimination of Workplace Learning 2 credit course requirement

2. Graduation Requirements
A. Liberal Arts Credits
Liberal Arts(A)
Humanities EducationGeneral Liberal ArtsCharacter DevelopmentIntegrated Liberal ArtsTotal
International Student Learning StrategiesThe World & ICommunity ServiceCollege Korean LanguageMajor ExplorationSports/Music/ArtsKorean Language Advanced LearningUnderstanding Korean CultureHangul IT UtilizationForeign Language Exploration

B. Major Credits

Major(B) : Complete by choosing one of the three completion methods below
Completion Method 1
(Primary Major + Double Major)
Completion Method 2
(Primary Major + Minor)
Completion Method 3 (Primary Major)
Primary MajorDouble MajorPrimary MajorMinorPrimary Majo

※ Multiple Major Credit Requirements: Same number of credits for Joint and Interdisciplinary Majors as for Double Majors / Micro Majors can be earned with 9 

   or more credits (optional).

C. Graduation Credits and Graduation Requirements : Must meet all requirements 1), 2), and 3) below

- Graduation Credits: Earn at least 130 credits, including Liberal Arts(A), Major(B) Credits.

- Major Graduation Examination: Primary Major Graduation Examination: Students must pass the major graduation examination and, if completing a double major, 

  the graduation examination of the double major (*Minors and micro majors do not have a major graduation examination.)

Graduation Certification Requirements
  - If you do not have a certified language score, you can substitute BUFS TOPIK level 4 or higher or completion of Korean language education course 

    (Korean Language Institute level 4, Sejong Language Institute level 8, Social Integration Program level 4).

<Transfer Students>

1Student ID No. starting with 2022

CreditsCourses of Study (Choose from the four methods on the right to complete)Single MajorPrimary Major30
Double Major
(Interdisciplinary Major)
Primary Major30
Double Major30
Primary Major30
Major Completion
Primary Major30
Micro Major9
General SelectionThe remaining courses Liberal Arts, Major, etc., can be completed freely.
Semester Completed and Total al Credit Hours4 Semesters / 130 Credits or more (including transfer credits)

※ More than 2 multiple (Interdisciplinary) majors, minors, and micromajors can be earned.
※ Major Graduation Examination: Primary Major Graduation Examination: Students must pass the major graduation examination and,
   if completing a double major, the graduation examination of the double major (* Minors and micro majors do not have a major graduation examination).

2Student ID No. from 2017-2021

CreditsCourses of Study (Choose from the four methods on the right to complete)Single MajorPrimary Major30Elimination of the convergence modules when comp
Double Major
(Interdisciplinary Major)
Primary Major33
Double Major33
Primary Major33
Major Completion
Primary Major33
Micro Major9
General SelectionThe remaining courses Liberal Arts, Major, etc., can be completed freely.
Semester Completed and Total al Credit Hours4 Semesters / 130 Credits or more (including transfer credits)

※ More than 2 multiple (Interdisciplinary) majors, minors, and micromajors can be earned.
※ Major Graduation Examination: Primary Major Graduation Examination: Students must pass the major graduation examination and,
   if completing a double major, the graduation examination of the double major (* Minors and micro majors do not have a major graduation examination).

3Student ID No. from 2016 and earlier

CreditsCourses of Study (Choose from the four methods on the right to complete)Single MajorPrimary Major36
Double Major
(Interdisciplinary Major)
Primary Major36
Double Major36
Primary Major36
Major Completion
Primary Major36
Micro Major9
General SelectionThe remaining courses Liberal Arts, Major, etc., can be completed freely.
Semester Completed and Total al Credit Hours4 Semesters / 130 Credits or more (including transfer credits)

※ More than 2 multiple (Interdisciplinary) majors, minors, and micromajors can be earned.
※ Major Graduation Examination: Primary Major Graduation Examination: Students must pass the major graduation examination and,
   if completing a double major, the graduation examination of the double major (* Minors and micro majors do not have a major graduation examination).

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