
 1. Dormitory 1 (On-campus): The Dormitory accommodates 1,316 students (male: 454, female: 862)

- Double occupancy/ Bed, desk, bookshelf, closet (blanket and pillow are not provided.)



(about 5.5 months)

 Semester (about 3.5 months)





 * Deposit (KRW 100,000) is

included. - Refundable

 Meal Voucher

 Plan A

(116 servings)

 Plan B

(174 servings)

 Plan c

(232 servings

 Meal vouchers are effective during





※ Meals are provided at the Dormitory Cafeteria, and students living in the Dormitory are required to purchase Meal Vouchers.


2. Dormitory 2 (Off-campus): a dormitory only for female students, 0.5km from the campus

- Bed, desk, bookshelf, closet (blanket and pillow are not provided.) 






(about 5.5 months)

① Double occupancy: KRW1,489,000

② Triple occupancy: KRW1,169,000

* Deposit (KRW 100,000) is

included. - Refundable

※ The dormitory 2 doesn't have a cafeteria. It has a kitchenet which is equipped with arrangements for cooking and

refrigerators for students to cook.


 Q. What is the English address for overseas delivery services?


 ◆ Campus (Office of International Affairs)

(46234) 부산광역시 금정구 금샘로 485번길 65 부산외국어대학교 국제교류처(F201)

(46234) Office of International Affairs (F201),

Busan University of Foreign Studies 65,Geumsaem-ro 485beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan

◆ Dormitory 1 (On-campus)

(46234) 부산광역시 금정구 금샘로 485번길 65, 부산외국어대학교 학생기숙사 OOO-O호

(46234) Dormitory OOO-O, Busan University of Foreign Studies

65, Geumsaem-ro 485beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan

◆ Dormitory 2 (Off-campus)

43221) 부산광역시 금정구 금샘로 534번(남산동972-15) 부산외국어대학교 외성생활관 OOO-O호

(43221) Dormitory OOO-O, Busan University of Foreign Studies

534 Geumsaem-ro (Namsan-dong 972-15), Geumjeong-gu, Busan

 ※ OOO-O: Room No.



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