[안내] 2024 Summer Vacation Stay Application Guide 외성생활관 거주 유학생 하계방학 잔류 신청 공지

2024학년도 1학기 제1외성생활관 학기 거주 사생과 계절학기 수강 신청한 우리 학교 학생을 대상으로 잔류 신청 방법을 안내합니다.

기숙사 잔류 1.png

  1. 신청 기간 : 2024년 5월 27() 19시 ~ 6월 5() 17
  2. 신청 방법 내국인외국인 모두 행정실 방문 신청 (외부 거주 학생 포함)
  3. 합격자 발표일시 : 2024년 6월 7() 20

기숙사 홈페이지 하계방학 잔류 신청 합격자 발표” 공지 확인

잔류 신청 탈락자에 한 해 6월 10(전까지 개별 연락 예정

  1. 납부 기간 : 2024년 6월 12() ~ 13() 10시 ~17
  2. 납부 방법 기숙사 홈페이지 가상계좌 조회 및 납부안내” 공지 확인
  3. 방 이동 일자 학기 거주 사생 – 2024년 6월 14() ~ 15() 10시 ~ 17시 이동

외부 사생 – 2024년 6월 22() 14시 ~ 17시 입사

방 이동 일자에 이동 및 입사가 불가한 학생은 잔류 신청 절대 불가.

방이동 날짜 무단 미참석자들은 잔류 자동취소 처리 및 다음학기 기숙사 입사 불가

일정을 반드시 준수 바람


  1. 유의사항

잔류 불합격 및 잔류비용 미납 시 자동 탈락 처리됨으로 해당 학생은 6/15까지 퇴사

거주기간 만료 전 퇴사 시 잔여금 환불 불가

외부 거주 학생은 입사 시 결핵검사지 및 계절학기 수강신청증명서 제출 필요

(6/1일 이후 검사결과지만 인정)


2024 Summer Vacation Stay Application Guide (Not Applicable for Semester Residents)

We provide the following guide for stay applications for students residing in the 1st Foreign Language Dormitory during the 2024 spring semester and those who have registered for summer courses.

1. Stay Period and Cost

CategoryStay PeriodStay CostNote
Semester Residents

Start Date: June 15, 2024 (Sat) 5 PM

Maximum Stay Period: July 31, 2024 (Wed) 5 PM
※ Individual stay period selection is available

n nights * 9,500 KRW

(Up to 46 nights can be applied for)

First-come, first-served

<No stay possible after July 31>

External Residents

Start Date: June 22, 2024 (Sat) 5 PM

End Date: July 12, 2024 (Fri) 5 PM

20 nights * 9,500 KRW = 190,000 KRWStay period and cost cannot be changed

2. Application Period

  • May 27, 2024 (Mon) 7 PM ~ June 5, 2024 (Wed) 5 PM

3. Application Method

  • All students (domestic and international) must apply in person at the administrative office (including external residents).

4. Announcement of Successful Applicants

  • June 7, 2024 (Fri) 8 PM
  • Check the dormitory website for the announcement of successful applicants for summer vacation stay.
  • Individual notifications will be sent by June 10, 2024 (Mon) to those who are not selected.

5. Payment Period

  • June 12, 2024 (Wed) ~ June 13, 2024 (Thu) 10 AM ~ 5 PM

6. Payment Method

  • Check the dormitory website for the "Virtual Account Inquiry and Payment Information" notice.

7. Room Move-in Dates

  • Semester Residents: June 14, 2024 (Fri) ~ June 15, 2024 (Sat) 10 AM ~ 5 PM
  • External Residents: June 22, 2024 (Sat) 2 PM ~ 5 PM

Students who cannot move in or out on the designated dates are not eligible to apply for the stay.
Students who do not attend the room move-in dates without prior notice will have their stay application automatically canceled and will be ineligible for dormitory admission for the next semester.
Please strictly adhere to the schedule.

8. Notes

  • Students who are not selected or fail to pay the stay fee will be automatically disqualified and must move out by June 15.
  • No refund will be given for early departure before the end of the stay period.
  • External residents must submit a tuberculosis test certificate and proof of summer course registration upon move-in (only test results after June 1 are accepted).

Busan University of Foreign Studies 1st Foreign Language Dormitory

부산외국어대학교부산외국어대학교2024. 5. 22조회수905
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