TOPIK IBT Mock Test Applicant Recruitment Announcement 디지털 기반 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) IBT」 모의시험 지원자 모집 안내

주의: 이 시험은 토픽 IBT "모의" 시험입니다. 따라서 인증서로서 인증받지 못할 수 있습니다. 정규 시험이 아닙니다.

Note: This test is a TOPIK IBT "mock" test. Therefore, it may not be recognized as an official certification. It is not a regular exam. 


[TOPIK IBT Mock Test Applicant Recruitment Announcement] 

1. Application Recruitment Period: June 13, 2024 (Thursday) - June 28, 2024 (Friday) until 18:00

2. How to Apply:  Online application via the mock test website (

3. Mock Test Period: July 22, 2024 (Monday) - July 31, 2024 (Wednesday)

4. Test Method:  Internet-Based Test (IBT) conducted via web browser (home-based)

 Test Type

 Evaluation Areas

 Test Duration

Available Time

Home-Based Test


 TOPIK I (Listening, Reading)

 75 minutes

 AM 10:00 ~ PM 18:00

*Note: The start time is based on the test-taking start time.


TOPIK II (Listening, Reading, Writing)


125 minutes

5. Target Applicants: Overseas Koreans and foreigners who wish to take the “Digital-Based Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK) IBT” mock test.

    • Number of Applicants: 1,500 for TOPIK I / 1,500 for TOPIK II
    • Note: Priority will be given to applicants who provide their previous TOPIK score information.
    • Applicants cannot apply for both TOPIK I and TOPIK II, and retakes are not allowed after the test is completed.

6. Test Fee: None (Free)

7. Score Announcement: Scores will be announced in September 2024 through a separate notice on the mock test website.

8. Organizing Institution: Ministry of Education, National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

 Test Type

 Evaluation Areas

 Test Duration

Available Time

Home-Based Test


 TOPIK I (Listening, Reading)

 75 minutes

 AM 10:00 ~ PM 18:00

*Note: The start time is based on the test-taking start time.


TOPIK II (Listening, Reading, Writing)


125 minutes

Additional Information

  • No specific test location will be designated. Applicants can take the mock test at home by accessing the mock test website at any time during the test period.
부산외국어대학교부산외국어대학교2024. 6. 13조회수1,886
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