2025 Global Korea Scholarship[University Track] Application for Undergraduate Degrees

2025 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집[대학전형]

2025 Global Korea Scholarship[University Track]

Application for Undergraduate Degrees


1. Application Schedule

Time(Korean Standard)

Classification(University Track)


2024. 23 September(Mon) ~ 28 October(Mon)

Application and Submission of the required documents

Express mail, Courier or in person

 30 October(Wed) ~

4 November(Mon)

Document screening

BUFS International Exchange Committee

 6 November(Wed) ~

8 November(Fri)

Interview evaluation

(Zoom Interview)

For those who have passed the document screening

11 November(Mon)

Final Evaluation

(Nomination to NIIED)

BUFS International Exchange Committee

 13 November(Wed)

Announcement of Successful

Applicants(1st round)

BUFS International Exchange Committee

( Personal notification via email)


Evaluation (2nd round)



Announcement of Successful

Applicants (3rd round)



2. The attachments for your application of 2025 GKS


1) 2025 GKS-U University Available Departments(BUFS)


2) 2025 GKS-U Application Forms


3) 2025 GKS-U Application Guidelines(English)


4) 2025 GKS-U Application Guidelines (Korean)


3. The notice for applicants


1) Our university admits students through an open major system. In the application form, under section 9, 'Choice of University and Department,' please indicate 'Open major' under the Department. However, if you are applying for one of the majors among 사회체육전공/스포츠재활전공/항공서비스전공, please specify the department name. Check attached file titled “2025 GKS-U University Available Departments (BUFS)”. For detailed information about our university's Open major system, please refer to our website:

Open Major

Students are admitted without a predetermined academic focus, providing them with the opportunity to explore various courses and disciplines before making a formal decision on their major.


2) Online email submissions are NOT possible.


3) Please check all attachments well before you submit them whether you satisfy all the requirements specified on admission guideline


4) For University Track, you have to submit TOTAL 2 SETS of Documents (1 set of ORIGINAL document + 1 sets of PHOTOCOPIES). Please prepare the documents arranged in the SAME ORDER of the APPLICATION CHECK LIST on the first page of the application form NIIED provided.


Incomplete documents or non-submission of 1 sets of photocopies will result in the disqualification.

Each document must have the checklist number and the document name written on the “post-it”, or a small piece of paper strip) placed at the top right corner. (see below).



8. High school graduation certificate (Korean Consul certified)


5) Be sure NOT to use STAPLER, use Clips.


6) The documents you submitted will NOT be returned and additional documents could be required if necessary.


7) Be sure to write "2025 GKS-Undergraduate[University Track]" on the envelope.



4. Contact


1) Name : JEON, Sanghoon (Mr)


2) Tel : +82-51-509-5241


3) E-mail :

*please write on the outside envelop "2025 GKS-Undergraduate[University Track]"


4) Where to send your GKS-U application documents:

()46234 부산광역시 금정구 금샘로 485번길 65, 부산외국어대학교 대학본부 2층 


International Affairs Team, Room F201, Busan University of Foreign Studies, 65, 

Geumsaem-ro 485 beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan , Republic of Korea (Zip Code: 46234)



부산외국어대학교부산외국어대학교2024. 9. 20조회수2,375
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