[학사] 교내행사 공인결석 관련 안내 Guidelines for Attendance Recognition

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단대학부(), 통합모집학부 관련 MT 및 워크숍

총학생회단과대학 주관 체육대회

대학본부 주관 봉사활동

대학본부 주관의 위원회초청특강보직자 간담회

학부(승인(학장학과장행사(학기별 2회 인정)

학생자치기구 자체 행사(학기별 2회 인정)

※ 학생자치기구 총학생회단과대학학생회학부()학생회중앙동아리

※ 대면 및 실시간 비대면 수업에 한함(이클래스, OCU, 등 온라인 수업 인정 불가) 

 신청기간 : 2024. 3. 11.~ 6. 3.() 17:00 까지 

신청기간 이후 공무결석 처리 불가

행사 1주전 공인결석이 필요한 수업교수에게 행사 안내 및 사전 협조 요청 필수

※ 출결에 대한 최종 처리 권한은 수업담당 교수에게 있음 사전협조 필수

공인결석은 행사 시작 시점부터 1개월 이내 신청 승인 필수(기간 내 미신청 결석처리)

※ 행사종료 이후 2주 이내 공인결석 신청 권장


경로 학생포털시스템 수업 – 공인결석계신청

공인결석계신청 구분 기타 행사참여[선택]

증빙자료 학생포털시스템 – 장학/복지 – 행사참여확인서(공무결석출력 – 문서첨부

※ 행사종료 1주일 뒤 출력 가능

신청 후 신청현황 승인 확인 필수(신청 → 처리중 → 승인)

Events Eligible for Attendance Recognition

A. Departmental, Faculty, and Integrated Recruitment Department Meetings and Workshop
B. Sports Events Organized by Student Councils and Faculty Associations
C. Volunteer Activities Organized by the University Headquarters
D. Committees, Invited Lectures, and Meetings Organized by the University Headquarters
E. Departmental Approval Events (Dean, Department Chair) - Recognized Twice per Semester
F. Student Self-Government Events - Recognized Twice per Semester

※ Student Self-Government Organizations: Student Councils, Faculty Student Associations, Department Student Associations, Central Clubs
※ Limited to Face-to-Face and Real-Time In-Person Classes (Online Classes such as e-Class, OCU, etc. are Not Recognized)
Application Period: March 11, 2024, to June 3, 2024 (Monday) until 17:00
A. Absence Requests after the Application Period Will Not Be Accepted
B. One Week Prior to the Event, it is Mandatory to Notify and Seek Approval from the Course Instructor if an Official Absence is Required
※ Final authority over attendance lies with the course instructor; prior approval is essential
C. Official Absence Requests Must Be Approved within One Month from the Start of the Event (Unapproved absences within the period will be treated as unexcused absences)
※ It is Recommended to Apply for Official Absences within Two Weeks after the Event

Application Procedure
A. Path: Student Portal System 수업 – 공인결석계 신청
B. Type of Official Absence Request: 공인결석계신청 구분 기타 행사참여[선택]
C. Supporting Documents: Student Portal System - Scholarships/Welfare - Event Participation Confirmation Certificate (Official Absence) - Document Attachment
※ Available for Printing One Week after the Event
D. After Applying, Confirmation of Application Status Approval is Mandatory (신청 → 처리중 → 승인)
부산외국어대학교부산외국어대학교2024. 4. 3조회수2,358
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